The Strengthening Humanitarian Response and Sustainability in Nigeria – (SURE-SN) Project After-Action Review Meeting

The Strengthening Humanitarian Response and Sustainability in Nigeria - (SURE-SN) Project
After-Action Review Meeting


During the Strengthening Humanitarian Response and Sustainability in Nigeria- (SURE-SN) Project After Action Review Meeting, project team members came together to assess the project’s achievements and lessons learned for future programming.

Some of the successes include the engagement of community volunteers for localization and sustainability, an increase in the number of health and nutrition service delivery points, delivery of higher level care to critical patients, delivery of in-patient care, effective collaboration with government stakeholders and implementation partners, construction and rehabilitation of latrines, targeted NFI and MHM kits distribution, an increase in water supply, and established referral systems for integrated delivery of services.

The SURE-SN project aimed to contribute to reduced morbidity and mortality and improved well-being of conflict-affected and displaced Nigerians through strengthening integrated multi-sector humanitarian response and sustainability in Bama, Damasak, and Ngala local government areas of Borno State, in Northeast Nigeria.
Using a multisectoral approach including health, nutrition, protection, and nutrition interventions, the project reached more than 550,555 individuals in need of humanitarian assistance, surpassing the initial target of 358,082.

Gratitude to everyone involved in this impactful journey! Let’s continue to work together towards a brighter future. 💫